
The Art of Network Vulnerability Assessment

Irfan Shakeel
December 29, 2015 by
Irfan Shakeel

This ebook discusses the concept, setup and implementation of a successful vulnerability assessment on any network using Nessus. You will get a chance to learn the practical steps that should be taken while conducting an assessment, you will also learn the foundation of the assessment and how it is different than penetration testing.

The ebook is divided into multiple chapters and topics to let you understand the complete process. The approach and the work process of vulnerability assessment are also included.

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Some important topics:

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  • The concept of Network Vulnerability assessment
  • Vulnerability assessment process and approach
  • Installing Nessus and its configuration
  • Creating the basic policy
  • The factors to see while creating advance policies
  • Creating the web app test policy in Nessus
  • Effectively running the scan
  • Result interpretation

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