Security awareness

Run your security awareness program like a marketer with these campaign kits

Tyler Schultz
September 16, 2022 by
Tyler Schultz

Mandatory, compliance-based security awareness training checks a box. It does not guarantee that your workforce is prepared to detect and report cyber threats such as phishing attacks and it certainly doesn’t encourage employees to see your organization’s data and security as their personal responsibility.

If your goal is to train your workforce to identify, avoid and report the security threats your organization faces, you need more than a checked box. You need a security awareness and training program that weaves security into the culture of your organization by teaching employees to recognize attacks and adopt security best practices.

Strengthen security awareness with human risk management

Strengthen security awareness with human risk management

Infosec HRM, powered by Right-Hand Cybersecurity, provides alert-based training nudges to minimize human risk at your organization. 

It’s easy to discuss the perfect security awareness and training program that grabs the attention of your entire workforce and inspires employees to treat security as their personal responsibility, but it’s a lot harder to make it happen. Luckily, there’s a proven way to do it.


Marketing 101: Run a layered campaign


A marketer’s job is to grab the attention of an audience, promote engagement with a message and, ultimately, inspire the audience to take a certain action. They do this by running layered campaigns that carry an engaging, recognizable theme and deliver a consistent message across multiple communication channels. It sounds complex, but the idea is simple. Be entertaining, deliver a clear, consistent message and reach your audience frequently through the communication channels they use most.

Why reinvent the wheel? Security professionals can adopt this basic marketing principle to transform an otherwise routine and easily dismissed security training program into a campaign that employees actually want to engage with.

Running a layered security awareness campaign isn’t just fluff. It really works. Many organizations rely on dedicated security awareness practitioners to run sophisticated security awareness campaigns built to go beyond the compliance checkbox and instead, build security into the culture of the organization.


What if you’re not a marketer or dedicated security awareness practitioner?


Dedicated security awareness practitioners have the time, budget and resources to build and execute an entire layered security awareness campaign. But what if security awareness is just one of your many responsibilities and you don’t have time to build your own program? What if you’ve never run a layered campaign, don’t know the best way to communicate your message or don’t even know where to start?

You can still run an engaging, layered security awareness and training campaign. You just need a little help. That’s why we created the security awareness campaign kit.


Get Your Kit


What’s a security awareness campaign kit?


A security awareness campaign kit includes all the resources you need to assemble an entire layered security awareness campaign. Along with training materials, infographics and posters, a campaign kit includes pre-written email templates, a communication calendar and a step-by-step guide to help you launch, manage and measure the success of your campaign.

Security awareness campaign kits carry a single, consistent theme and provide useful suggestions to help you customize your campaign to build a program that works best for your organization (and actually changes behavior). Below are six Infosec IQ campaign kits to get you started.


1. Marine Lowlifes


Meet the Marine Lowlifes, the most dangerous phish lurking in your employees’ inboxes. This campaign focuses on the dangers of phishing emails and what your employees can do to identify and avoid these attacks. The Marine Lowlifes campaign kit includes a contest, training modules, posters, infographics, digital banners and a full set of email communications to help you deliver a consistent, phish-themed message every week.

Get the Marine Lowlifes campaign kit.


2. Outsmart Them all


We made simulated phishing & training easy. Teach your employees to outsmart every phishing email that hits their inbox. The Outsmart Them All campaign kit includes everything you need to run a simulated phishing and training program to educate your employees, motivate behavior change and keep your organization cyber secure.

Get the Outsmart Them All campaign kit


3. Working From Home


You don’t have to sacrifice your organization’s cybersecurity as your employees transition to remote workstations. Download the free Working From Home campaign kit, which includes a working remotely training video, security at home infographics, an internal security announcement email template and a Phishing Risk Test.

Get the Working From Home campaign kit


4. Wild, Wild Net


Take your employees on an unforgettable adventure and bring cybersecurity to the forefront of your organization with our free Wild, Wild Net campaign kit. The kit includes a training video, posters, infographics, company presentation, articles, email templates and more.

Get the Wild, Wild Net campaign kit


5. Road to Cybersecurity


The path to cybersecurity isn’t always a smooth and open road. The Road to Cybersecurity Toolkit includes everything you need to prepare employees for the potholes and sharp turns along the way so they are ready to detect, report and outmaneuver cyber threats — 17 resources in total.

Get the Road to Cybersecurity campaign kit


6. Hacked for the Holidays


Kick off your organization’s holiday celebrations with our free Hacked for the Holidays security awareness toolkit. It includes everything you need to help employees outsmart cybercrime this holiday season and beyond.

Get the Hacked for the Holidays campaign kit


Tyler Schultz
Tyler Schultz

Tyler Schultz is a marketing professional with over seven years of experience delivering SaaS solutions to organizations of all sizes. As a product marketing manager at Infosec, he is dedicated to helping organizations build strong cybersecurity cultures and meet their security awareness goals. He helps the Infosec team push the boundaries of effective and engaging security awareness training with a focus on experiential learning, gamification, microlearning and in-the-moment training. Tyler is a UW-Madison and UW-Whitewater graduate and Certified Security Awareness Practitioner (CSAP).