Security awareness

21 free training resources for Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM 2020)

Tyler Schultz
September 22, 2020 by
Tyler Schultz

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month — your best opportunity to jumpstart security awareness at your organization and highlight the importance for every employee to adopt secure habits.

At Infosec, we specialize in security awareness and training and want to give you the tools to elevate cybersecurity at your organization this October and beyond.

That’s why we built a one-month security awareness and training campaign loaded with 21 themed training resources. Use our campaign kit to reinforce cybersecurity best practices and keep your employees engaged every step of the way.


Cybersecurity Awareness Month toolkit — Welcome to the Wild Wild Net


Ride West this October and help your employees catch the Wild Wild Net’s most wanted cyber bandits.

Just like wanted posters in the Wild West helped the public recognize the region’s most infamous villains, our free training kit personifies common cyber threats to make them memorable and help prepare your employees for the real attacks they face.

Download the Wild Wild Net Campaign Kit for everything you need to run a security awareness campaign your employees won’t soon forget.

Get The Kit


Capture employee attention with themed posters


Will your workforce catch Malware Mel, Phyllis the Phisher and the rest of the cyber outlaws? Share posters with every employee or hang them in common areas to keep cyber threats top-of-mind.

Wild Wild Net posters


Dig into the details with infographics


The Wild Wild Net is a large and treacherous place. Share one corner of the Wild Wild Net map each week to shed light on cybercriminals’ favorite hideouts.


Reinforce your message with easy-to-understand articles


Layered communication is the key to running an educational and engaging security awareness campaign. Use pre-built articles to reinforce lessons on your intranet or in email newsletters.


Extend the campaign theme to employee screensavers


Want another way to keep cybersecurity top-of-mind and encourage employees to adopt secure habits? Send your workforce the Wild Wild Net screensaver or globally deploy it to employee machines.

Wild Wild Net screensaver

Get The Kit


Communicate effectively with pre-built email templates


Sustaining an engaging security awareness campaign for the entire month requires effective communication. Copy and paste the pre-built communication plan or customize email templates to meet your needs.


Get stakeholder support with a pre-built PowerPoint presentation


We made it easy to present the Wild Wild Net campaign to stakeholders at your organization to build support, communicate campaign goals and show managers what their employees can expect. Use the stakeholder presentation to take the first step.


Assemble your Cybersecurity Awareness Month campaign


The Wild Wild Net Campaign Kit includes everything you need — including 21 training resources — to run an effective and engaging campaign during Cybersecurity Awareness Month. However, the Wild Wild Net campaign is evergreen and contains valuable training resources that can be used beyond October. If you already have plans for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, keep the kit in your back pocket to run a security awareness campaign in the future.

Wild Wild Net campaign kit

Get The Kit

Interested in exploring additional security awareness campaigns and free training resources? Check out the Infosec Resource Center.