Security awareness

Security Awareness: A Core Competency for K-12 Students

Megan Sawle
October 3, 2018 by
Megan Sawle

In today's BYOD, online learning and remote-working world, the lines of our security perimeters have blurred. Devices logged into your systems right now might later connect via a library, cafe or home network that may — or may not — be secured.

Teaching our employees how to stay safe online has quickly become more than just a compliance requirement. It’s critical for protecting our organizations against the security threats technical controls might miss, and a core competency for both today’s and tomorrow’s workforce.

Two year's worth of NIST-aligned training

Two year's worth of NIST-aligned training

Deliver a comprehensive security awareness program using this series' 1- or 2-year program plans.

As children, we’re taught many skills to help us succeed later in life and work. Communication skills, information literacy and problem solving are just a few that help shape us into valuable and successful employees. Here at Infosec, we also believe security awareness is a critical core competency for our children, students and staff.

That’s why we’re kicking off the first week of Cyber Security Awareness Month with free security awareness training modules for K-12 students.

Today’s youth spend more time than ever before online. Like learning to lock the front door behind you, security awareness training at an early age helps transform a behavioral concept into a habit. Our free K-12 series includes three fun security awareness training modules, with a fourth on the way to encourage the next generation to consider career paths in cybersecurity:


Each module contains age-appropriate messaging to both engage and educate students how to protect themselves, their friends and their schools from everyday security threats. Pairing these modules with custom assessments will help gauge student comprehension at every grade level.

It’s time to make security awareness a part of our lifestyles. Secure online habits help keep our identities, jobs and financial accounts secure. Layering security awareness training into your K-12 curriculum helps teach students how to stay safe online while adding another layer of defense to your overall security strategy.

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Get six free posters

Reinforce cybersecurity best practices with six eye-catching posters found in our free poster kit from our award-winning series, Work Bytes.