Infosec Skills release: 10 training roadmaps maximize training relevancy

December 09, 2021

The latest Infosec Skills release maximizes security training relevancy and efficiency by introducing training roadmaps for 10 in-demand security roles.

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Maximize training relevancy and efficiency

Infosec Skills Roles help cybersecurity professionals and leaders quickly find relevant training materials, create long-term training goals and fill open security roles within their organization.

  • Quickly find relevant training materials: Learners and team managers can minimize the time spent searching for relevant training by leveraging the Infosec Skills Roles that align with their goals. Our cybersecurity subject matter experts studied the knowledge, skills and technology needed by organizations — big or small — when it comes to reducing business risk. We then mapped these against common security positions and industry standards to develop 10 unique training roadmaps.
  • Create long-term training goals: Each of the 10 Infosec Skills Roles is currently comprised of Core and Elective Training. This allows learners and managers to discover training for each stage of career development, from beginner to advanced.

    1. Core Training: Core Training covers foundational knowledge and skills required by that specific role based on their day-to-day objectives. 
    2. Elective Training: Some learners may already have a strong foundation — that’s where Elective content comes in. Elective Training allows security professionals to specialize in specific knowledge areas, like the tools and technology they use on the job. This helps prepare talent for more senior positions within your organization.
  • Fill open security roles: With access to role-guided training, cybersecurity leaders can now upskill or cross-train talent for open security roles — providing the exact knowledge and skills required to be successful in critical security positions. This is also helpful for security leaders looking to prepare existing employees for new projects and business initiatives.    

Preview Infosec Skills Roles

Each of the 10 Infosec Skills Roles contains Core and Elective Training materials recommended by security subject matter experts. Each role requires unique knowledge and skills based on their day-to-day objectives and needed technological proficiencies. 

  • SOC Analyst: Analyze and monitor network traffic, threats and vulnerabilities within an organization’s IT infrastructure.
  • Security Engineer:  Implement and continuously monitor security controls that protect computer assets, networks and organizational data.
  • Cloud Security Engineer: Design, develop, manage and maintain a secure infrastructure leveraging cloud platform security technologies.
  • Penetration Tester: Plan and perform authorized, simulated attacks within an organization’s information systems, networks, applications and infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  • Security Manager: Develop security strategies that align with the organization's goals and objectives.
  • Digital Forensics Analyst: Collect, analyze and interpret digital evidence to reconstruct potential criminal events and aid in preventing unauthorized actions from threat actors.
  • ICS Security Practitioner: Secure mission-critical SCADA and ICS information systems.
  • Information Risk Analyst: Conduct objective, fact-based risk assessments on existing and new systems and technologies, and communicate findings to all stakeholders within the information system.
  • Secure Coder: Develop and write secure code in a way that protects against security vulnerabilities like bugs, defects and logic flaws.
  • Security Architect: Plan, design, test, implement and maintain an organization's computer and network security infrastructure.

These Infosec Skills Roles are also accessible via the Infosec Skills platform, as shown below.


See what else is new

In addition to the enhancements above, we also recently added new training content to the Infosec Skills platform. Be sure to check them out!

Explore what’s coming next

Want a preview of the training content and features coming soon? Read the Infosec Skills product roadmap to see what we’re working on now!

Contact Information

Jeff Peters