C# Compiler Development
This article elaborates the complete life cycle of making a custom interactive C# compiler, much like one of an existing CSC.exe. It is hard to imagine such a custom C# interactive compiler kind of mechanism, but this innovation could be constructed by employing C# APIs of the open source project, referred to as Mono. The development life cycle of this mechanism is relatively sophisticated, and we can extend its features to be operable on a Linux operating system because Mono APIs are being utilized here.
Hence, we shall illustrate the development process in a comprehensive way, along with the live demonstration of this C# interactive compiler.
Interactive Compiler
We have been primarily relying on Visual Studio IDE to compile C# programming code where CSC.exe is typically used to handle compilation related tasks. The .NET framework stipulates a range of compilers for various programming languages to debug an application and generate an executable. But such different language compilation utilities interpret whole application code files rather than a single code segment. This process is sometimes time-consuming and creates unnecessary overhead on the file system, even in cases of executing a very short code statement. We occasionally need to execute one or two lines of code for example, calculating math function LINQ statements. So, a C# Interactive kind of mechanism is suitable as it reflects immediate results and spares developers from hectic VS studio compilation processes such as project creation and other configuration.
MONO especially has been sponsoring a couple of interoperable projects which are not limited to a specific platform. It allows a developer to use their development API and has evolved to build a cross platform support application where Linux operating systems and other platforms can also execute and run .NET applications. The C# interactive compiler mechanism is constructed on top of the Mono.CSharp library by utilizing C# APIs. These APIs provide a C# compiler service that can be used to evaluate expressions and statements. Hence, the C# interactive shell allows dynamically evaluating C# programming code statements, as well as can be utilized for testing mini code fragments or writing scripts.
The C# interactive Compiler code typically developed by using C# language under dot net 4.0 frameworks and classes which are responsible for providing custom Compiler related functionality are referenced from Microsoft.CSharp.dll and Mono.ceil.dll;
The C# Interactive Compiler operates through the command line, and typically provides a DOS prompt like mechanism where we enter C# code statements, much like DOS commands entering, and it will reflect the interpreted result. We don't need to suffix a semicolon in the code in the command line, as per C# code semantics, just write the code statement and press enter.
This command line utility, however, is able to compile a single line or multiline C# code. We shall demonstrate the working later in step by step format. Such a mechanism can also be built in GUI form, and this is relatively easy to operate rather than command line.
Getting Started
As we have noticed from the project prototypes, it will be a command line utility. Hence, create a Console based application as CsharpInterpreter.
Classes Blueprints
The C# Compiler design project is not limited to an entry class, rather its functionality is scattered in dozen of classes, some of them are static and abstracts. It is not possible to explain each class implementation in detail. Hence, we are presenting the employed classes through diagram blueprints, by which one can easily get an idea about the project's inner working. Some classes are marked as abstracted in order to make their reference into other classes, which again are inherited into other classes.
Entry Point
The making of this project is embarking from the entry point Program class which is responsible for displaying the command shell and other messages. The backbone class of this project is the Interactive class, which contains the significant implementation of the custom compilation process and obviously is called from the entry point class.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
namespace CsharpInterpreter
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].Equals("--verbose", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace = true;
while (Interactive.Context.Continue)
string text = Console.ReadLine();
if (text == null)
if (text2 != null)
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
catch (Exception ex2)
private static void WriteWelcomeMessage()
Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
Console.WriteLine("Tool Developed by Ajay Yadavn");
Console.WriteLine("Copyright (c) Cyberbrilliance, 2014.");
Console.WriteLine("Help -- For Help");
Console.WriteLine("clear-- For Clear Screen");
Console.WriteLine("quit -- For quit");
private static void WriteExceptionMessage(Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception of type '" + ex.GetType().Name + "' was thrown: " + ex.Message);
if (Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace)
if (ex.InnerException != null)
Console.WriteLine("Inner Exception:");
The program entry point class also handles any unexpected occurrence of error and maintains a proper log database for each activity. Since the working of this utility is happening through a command line and a separate session is required after executing the main project file, we shall enter C# code statements to compile them inline. Hence it is mandatory to open a verbose mode through the command line as:
if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].Equals("--verbose", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace = true;
Interpreter Class
The prime role of this class is to avail a C# custom provider from the CodeDom class and invoke the entered C# inline or multiline programming statements. This class is basically a custom grammar for this project, which checks what kind of statements are entered by user such as using, expression and generic statements.
public static class Interactive
private static readonly CodeDomProvider Compiler;
public static exeContext Context;
static Interactive()
Interactive.Compiler = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("C#");
Interactive.Context = new exeContext();
public static void Reset()
Interactive.Context = new exeContext();
public static string Interpret(string sourceCode)
return sourceCode.CompileCodeSnippet().Invoke();
private static compiledCode CompileCodeSnippet(this string code)
if (Interactive.Context.MultiLine)
exeContext expr_11 = Interactive.Context;
expr_11.MultiLineStatement += code;
code = Interactive.Context.MultiLineStatement;
return code.Statement() || code.TypeMember();
private static compiledCode Statement(this string code)
return code.ExpressionStatement() || code.UsingStatement() || code.GenericStatement();
private static compiledCode UsingStatement(this string code)
compiledCode result = null;
if (code.TrimStart(new char[0]).StartsWith("using "))
string text = code.TrimEnd(new char[0]);
if (!text.EndsWith(";"))
text += ";";
string usingStatement = text;
string source = Interactive.Program(null, null, null, null, usingStatement);
custStatement statement = new custStatement(code, source.CompileFromSource());
if (!statement.HasErrors)
result = statement;
return result;
private static compiledCode GenericStatement(this string code)
compiledCode result = null;
string statement = code + ";";
string source = Interactive.Program(null, statement, null, null, null);
custStatement statement2 = new custStatement(code, source.CompileFromSource());
if (!statement2.HasErrors)
Interactive.Context.CallStack.Add(code + ";");
result = statement2;
if (!Interactive.Context.MultiLine && (statement2.Errors[0].ErrorNumber == "CS1513" || statement2.Errors[0].ErrorNumber == "CS1528"))
Interactive.Context.MultiLine = true;
exeContext expr_A2 = Interactive.Context;
expr_A2.MultiLineStatement += code;
return result;
private static compiledCode ExpressionStatement(this string expr)
string returnStatement = custProBuilds.ReturnStatement(expr);
custExpression expression = new custExpression(expr, Interactive.Program(null, null, returnStatement, null, null).CompileFromSource());
if (!expression.HasErrors && !expr.Trim().Equals("clear", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string text = "__" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");
Interactive.Context.CallStack.Add(string.Concat(new string[]
"var ",
" = ",
return expression;
public static string Program(string typeDeclaration = null, string statement = null, string returnStatement = null, string memberDeclaration = null, string usingStatement = null)
return custProBuilds.Build(Interactive.Context, typeDeclaration, statement, returnStatement, memberDeclaration, usingStatement);
private static compiledCode TypeMember(this string source)
return source.TypeDeclaration() || source.MemberDeclaration() || source.FieldDeclaration();
private static compiledCode MemberDeclaration(this string code)
custMemDecl memberDeclaration = new custMemDecl(code, Interactive.Program(null, null, null, code, null).CompileFromSource());
if (!memberDeclaration.HasErrors)
return memberDeclaration;
private static compiledCode TypeDeclaration(this string source)
string source2 = Interactive.Program(source, null, null, null, null);
custTypeDecl typeDeclaration = new custTypeDecl(source, source2.CompileFromSource());
if (!typeDeclaration.HasErrors)
return typeDeclaration;
private static compiledCode FieldDeclaration(this string code)
string text = code + ";";
string memberDeclaration = text;
custMemDecl memberDeclaration2 = new custMemDecl(code, Interactive.Program(null, null, null, memberDeclaration, null).CompileFromSource());
if (!memberDeclaration2.HasErrors)
return memberDeclaration2;
private static string Invoke(this compiledCode compiledCode)
if (Interactive.Context.MultiLine && !compiledCode.HasErrors)
Interactive.Context.MultiLine = false;
Interactive.Context.MultiLineStatement = "";
if (!Interactive.Context.MultiLine && compiledCode.HasErrors)
if (!Interactive.Context.MultiLine && !compiledCode.HasErrors && (compiledCode is custExpression || compiledCode is custStatement))
Interactive.Context.MultiLine = false;
Interactive.Context.MultiLineStatement = "";
object result = Interactive.InvokeCompiledResult(compiledCode.Results);
if (compiledCode is custExpression)
return result.FormatOutput();
return null;
private static void TraceErrorMessage(compiledCode compiledCode)
if (Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace)
private static object InvokeCompiledResult(CompilerResults results)
Assembly compiledAssembly = results.CompiledAssembly;
Type type = compiledAssembly.GetType("Wrapper");
object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, null);
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("Eval");
return method.Invoke(obj, null);
private static CompilerResults CompileFromSource(this string source)
CompilerParameters compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters
GenerateExecutable = false,
GenerateInMemory = true
foreach (string current in exeContext.Assemblies)
return Interactive.Compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParameters, new string[]
The implementation for each semantic resides in separated methods, which reference is passed to the build method later. As we know, each C# code definition is located in external DLL files which are typically imported into code files through using statements. Some namespaces are automatically imported to class files. Hence, this project also provides the definition for some default namespace in the CompilerFromSource() method. It doesn't mean that whatever we enter on the command line shell is interpreted perfectly; this mechanism also returns an error message in case of not recognizing code grammar.
Loading Context Class
The Context class is used to load the external or default namespace (DLL) in the C# Interactive interface so that the user is spared from importing even some common namespaces frequently. It also gathers information about the verbose mode, Single/Multiline statements, using statements and later, references in the CompilerFromSource() method of the Interpreted class.
public class exeContext
public static List Assemblies = new List();
public IList CallStack = new List();
public IList TypeDeclarations = new List();
public List MemberDeclarations = new List();
public List UsingStatements = new List();
public bool MultiLine
public string MultiLineStatement
public bool VerboseTrace
public bool Continue
public exeContext()
this.Continue = true;
this.MultiLineStatement = "";
public static void LoadAssembly(string name)
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(name);
FileInfo fileInfo2 = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
if (fileInfo.DirectoryName != fileInfo2.DirectoryName)
if (fileInfo2.DirectoryName != null)
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(fileInfo2.DirectoryName, fileInfo.Name)))
fileInfo.CopyTo(Path.Combine(fileInfo2.DirectoryName, fileInfo.Name), true);
Custom Build Class
The custProBuilds class mainly has to two methods as Build() and ReturnStatment(). These methods usually generate code dynamically and are called from the Interactive class. C# code typically requires a semicolon as a terminated statement, but here we can either place it or not, because such handling is done by the ReturnStatment() method automatically. The run time C# code entered on the command shell gathers from the Interactive class and passes to Build() to generate code, which later is compiled.
public static class custProBuilds
public const string UsingStatements = "rnusing System;rnusing System.Collections.Generic;rnusing System.Text;rnusing System.Linq;rnusing System.Xml;rnusing System.Xml.Linq;rnusing CsharpInterpreter;rnSystem.Windows.Forms;rn";
private const string ClassPrefix = "public class Wrapper { rn";
private const string InteropDeclarations = "public void LoadAssembly(string name) rn { rnexeContext.LoadAssembly(name); rn }rnrn public bool Verbose rn {rnget { return Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace; }rn set { Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace = value; }rn }rnrnpublic OutputString Exit rn {rn get { Interactive.Context.Continue = false; return new OutputString("Bye"); }rn }rn public OutputString exit rn {rn get { return Exit; }rn }rnrn public OutputString Quit rn {rn get { return Exit; }rn }rnrn public OutputString quit rn {rn get { return Exit; }rn }rnrnrn public OutputString Help rn {rn get { return new OutputString(@"UsingstttDisplay the current using statementsn HelptttDisplay helpn CleartttClear the console windown QuittttExit"); }rn }rnrn public OutputString __Program rn {rn get { return new OutputString(Interactive.Program()); }rn }rnrn public OutputString Usings rn {rn get { return new OutputString(custProBuilds.UsingStatements); }rn }rnrn public outString Clear rn {rn get { Console.Clear(); return new outString(""); }rn }rnrn public outString clear rn {rn get { return Clear; }rn }rnrn";
private const string FuncPrefix = " public object Eval() { rn";
private const string ReturnStmnt = " return ";
private const string FuncSuffix = " rn }rn}";
private static exeContext context;
private static readonly string DefaultReturnStatement = custProBuilds.ReturnStatement("""");
public static string ReturnStatement(string expression)
return " return " + expression + ";";
public static string Build(exeContext executionContext, string typeDeclaration, string statement, string returnStatement, string memberDeclaration, string usingStatement)
custProBuilds.context = executionContext;
return string.Concat(new string[]
"rnusing System;rnusing System.Collections.Generic;rnusing System.Text;rnusing System.Linq;rnusing System.Xml;rnusing System.Xml.Linq;rnusing CsharpInterpreter;rn",
"public class Wrapper { rn",
" public void LoadAssembly(string name) rn { rnexeContext.LoadAssembly(name); rn }rnrn public bool Verbose rn {rn get { return Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace; }rn set { Interactive.Context.VerboseTrace = value; }rn }rnrn public outString Exit rn {rn get { Interactive.Context.Continue = false; return new outString("Bye"); }rn }rn public outString exit rn {rn get { return Exit; }rn }rnrn public outString Quit rn {rn get { return Exit; }rn }rnrn public outString quit rn {rn get { return Exit; }rn }rnrnrn public outString Help rn {rn get { return new outString(@"n UsingstttDisplay the current using statementsn HelptttDisplay helpn CleartttClear the console windown QuittttExit"); }rn }rnrn public outString __Program rn {rn get { return new outString(Interactive.Program()); }rn }rnrn public outString Usings rn {rn get { return new outString(custProBuilds.UsingStatements); }rn }rnrn public outString Clear rn {rn get { Console.Clear(); return new outString(""); }rn }rnrn public outString clear rn {rn get { return Clear; }rn }rnrn public object Eval() { rn",
returnStatement ?? custProBuilds.DefaultReturnStatement,
" rn }rn}"
private static string CallStack()
return custProBuilds.CreateInlineSectionFrom(custProBuilds.context.CallStack);
private static string MemberDeclarations()
return custProBuilds.CreateInlineSectionFrom(custProBuilds.context.MemberDeclarations);
private static string TypeDeclarations()
return custProBuilds.CreateSectionFrom(custProBuilds.context.TypeDeclarations);
private static string CustomUsingStatements()
return custProBuilds.CreateSectionFrom(custProBuilds.context.UsingStatements);
private static string CreateInlineSectionFrom(IEnumerable linesOfCode)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string current in linesOfCode)
stringBuilder.Append(" ");
return stringBuilder.ToString();
private static string CreateSectionFrom(IEnumerable linesOfCode)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string current in linesOfCode)
return stringBuilder.ToString();
Custom Output Class
The result of the dynamic code, which is entered on the Interactive command shell, is compiled and its result is taken care of by the custOutput class. First, this class recognizes the entire output, which is stored in XML format, Array, and later retrieved on the interactive shell through enumerator. All the formatted output handling is done by the StringBuilder class here.
public static class custOutput
public static string FormatOutput(this object result)
if (result == null)
return "null";
if (result is string)
return custOutput.FormatOutput(result as string);
if (result is short || result is int || result is long || result is double || result is float || result is bool || result.GetType().Name.Contains("AnonymousType"))
return result.ToString();
if (result is IDictionary)
return custOutput.FormatOutput(result as IDictionary);
if (result is Array)
return custOutput.FormatOutput(result as Array);
if (result is IXPathNavigable)
IXPathNavigable iXPathNavigable = result as IXPathNavigable;
XPathNavigator xPathNavigator = iXPathNavigable.CreateNavigator();
return XDocument.Parse(xPathNavigator.OuterXml).ToString();
if (result is XDocument)
return result.ToString();
if (result is IEnumerable)
return custOutput.FormatOutput(result as IEnumerable);
MethodInfo method = result.GetType().GetMethod("ToString", Type.EmptyTypes);
if (method != null && method.DeclaringType != typeof(object))
return result.ToString();
if (result.GetType() != typeof(object))
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Type type = result.GetType();
stringBuilder.Append(" {");
int num = 0;
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = properties[i];
if (propertyInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property)
stringBuilder.Append(" ");
stringBuilder.Append(" = ");
stringBuilder.Append(propertyInfo.GetValue(result, null).FormatOutput());
if (num < type.GetProperties().Length - 1)
stringBuilder.Append(", ");
stringBuilder.Append(" }");
return stringBuilder.ToString();
return result.ToString();
private static string FormatOutput(Array array)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("[");
int num = 0;
foreach (object current in array)
if (num < array.Length - 1) { stringBuilder.Append(","); } num++; } stringBuilder.Append("]"); return stringBuilder.ToString(); } private static string FormatOutput(string value) { return """ + value + """; } private static string FormatOutput(IEnumerable enumerable) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("["); IEnumerator enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator(); int num = 0; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { stringBuilder.Append(enumerator.Current.FormatOutput()); stringBuilder.Append(","); num++; } if (num > 0)
stringBuilder.Remove(stringBuilder.Length - 1, 1);
return stringBuilder.ToString();
private static string FormatOutput(IDictionary dictionary)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("[");
IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = dictionary.GetEnumerator();
int num = 0;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
stringBuilder.Append(", ");
if (num > 0)
stringBuilder.Remove(stringBuilder.Length - 1, 1);
return stringBuilder.ToString();
So, we have explained the main-2 coding segment up 'til now. The rest of the classes' implementation in this scenario is subtle and their code can be found in the attachment. We can't discuss each here, due to length of this paper. Once all the classes' code is written properly and when we test it, the Interactive compiler IDE is shown as follows:
In the aforesaid figure, we can see an overview of results of short C# code. We don't need to create a separate project, even to compile short codes. If we want to see the command help of this software, then issue the Help command. For quitting the application, issue the Quit command, and for clearing the command window test, issue the Clear command as follows:
Suppose we would like to do some window form related operation, like showing a message box. First, use the namespace of windows forms and issue these codes on the interactive shell pertaining to message box as follows:
Final Words
This article has given a taste of programming in a functional language, a dynamic language like Perl, Python or BASIC. It has been hard to find a C# interactive kind of mechanism so far, but this dream comes true by employing the Mono project API. In this paper, I have illustrated the comprehensive development process of C# interactive programming where we can enter the C# code run time and get the results immediately, even without making or relying on a full-fledged VS project. We shall present other .NET DLR projects like IronPython and IronRuby in form of Interactive shell soon.