Andrew Whitaker
Andrew Whitaker is a Senior Instructor for both the InfoSec Institute and the Intense School. He is also a nationally recognized expert on information security. He has performed penetration tests on numerous financial institutions throughout the United States and has been a regular consultant to government agencies on cyber security.He is also the author of several best-selling security and networking books, including "Penetration Testing and Network Defense" (Cisco Press), "Cisco Router Configuration Handbook" (Cisco Press), and "Chained Exploits: Advanced Hacking Attacks From Start to Finish" (Addison-Wesley). He is also a frequent conference speaker and has given talks on ethical hacking at Defcon, Chicagocon, SecurePhilly, and TakeDownCon. Whitaker also holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science. He has trained the military, government defense contractors, and intelligence agencies on cyber security, risk management, ethical hacking, reverse engineering and exploit development.