Cyber solutions for higher education
The Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) has partnered with Infosec to bring market-leading cyber education solutions to schools, colleges and universities within its 12 member states, as well as members of the New England Board of Higher Education (NEBHE), Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Take advantage of exclusive MHEC rates while equipping your faculty, staff and students with everything they need to upskill, reskill and outsmart cybercrime.

Working together to secure higher education
MHEC strengthens postsecondary education in member states through cost-savings initiatives and policy solutions informed by research and the expertise of regional leaders. Through partnerships with solution providers like Infosec, MHEC helps save schools, colleges and universities millions of dollars annually.
MHEC technology contracts are available to higher education institutions (public and private not-for-profit) within the member states of the Compact. Additionally, these contracts are available for use by member state K-12 districts and schools; cities, counties, local subdivisions; state government; and non-profit organizations (education-related only).
Learn more about Infosec cyber education solutions
Complete the form to get MHEC exclusive pricing (contract MHEC-06172021-IS), or contact
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