90% of Infosec IQ customers agree!

Our security awareness platform helped them create a strong security culture.

Nearly 75% of data breaches are caused by human error. Yet security awareness administrators still face hurdles when getting buy-in for their program.

Leadership wants results. That's why we focus on practical, real-world outcomes. This ebook showcases outcomes from more than five million Infosec IQ learners.

Discover how our training helped learners quickly identify and report suspicious emails in half the amount of timeresulting in increased organizational security. Then, take those results back to your organization.

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Nearly 75% of data breaches are caused by human error. Yet security awareness administrators still face hurdles when getting buy-in for their program.

Leadership wants results. That's why we focus on practical, real-world outcomes. This ebook showcases outcomes from more than five million Infosec IQ learners.

Discover how our training helped learners quickly identify and report suspicious emails in half the amount of timeresulting in increased organizational security. Then, take those results back to your organization.

Complete the form to get your complimentary copy.

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90% of Infosec IQ customers agree!

Our security awareness platform helped them create a strong security culture.